Hayle Cricket Club

Riviere Towans Phillack,
Contact Numbers
Club President Chris Lello - 07816602900
Club Chairman Paul Lello - 07967029217
Vice Chairman Matthew Cook - 07902220795
Secretary & Club Admin - Logan Curnow - logancurnow@gmail.com
Treasure - Nicki Lello Nicki@ciblello.co.uk
1st Team Captain Tom Sharp - 07878928110
1st Team Vice Captain Paul Lello - 07967029217
2nd Team Captain -
2nd Team Vice Captain Liam Smitheram -†07940267002
3rd Team Captain - Daryl Curnow - 07801991969
3rd Team Vice Captain-
Head of Youth Coaching & Develpoment - Tim Marrion - 07817743633
Head of Advertising, Sponsorship, Clothing & Membership
James Franklin - 07772835199
Handbook and Sponsorboards - Logan Curnow
James Franklin
Bar Events or Social Meetings
Jenna Marrion - jennakpalmer@yahoo.co.uk